The Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU) through its mandate as spelt out in section (12) (2) (a) (b) (c) of the Universities Act Cap 346 of the laws of Tanzania, read together with regulation 31 (2) (3) (4), coordinate the admission of student into Higher Learning Institutions (HLI) in Tanzania. Different from precious years, this 2018/2019 admission cycle, the Government directed TCU to take the coordination role of undergraduate degrees.
Hence, the focus here is TCU to ensure quality of entry qualifications of the applicants who are admitted into HLIs in Tanzania. Following the government directive, this 2018/19 academic year Applicants will channel their applications directly to individual Institutions. Higher Learning Institutions (HLIs) will directly receive and process applications and admit students into their institutions.
After selection HLIs will submit the selected applicants to TCU for approve.
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