of the Village Village III’s Interview will be held on 28-
29/05/2018. Candidates invited should consider the following:
1. Coming with OFFICIAL OFFICIAL certificates, Certificates and Education (Original certificates)
2. Testimonial, provisional results, statement of results and result slip will not be accepted
3. Every beneficiary will pay for food, accommodation and transportation.
4. All beneficiaries are asked to consider time, and you will soon be lost
your chance. Undetermined will begin at 2:00 am and will be held in the Hall
of the Counselor
The list of applicants called on that Agreement is as shown on
1 James Katisho 41- Kiomboi
2 Naomi L. Bayo 1534 Singida
3 Jane J. Mjengi 23 Manyoni
4 Ibrahim Chota 8088 Mwanza
5 Patience Chale 104 Singida
6 Agnes A. Harambee 152 Iramba
7 Paulo Sulley 663 Mkalama
8 Christina A. Mgana 1007 Singida
9 Haruna J. Mjengi 3251 Dodoma
10 Trojanus Adolph 11077 Dodoma
11 Sharifa Jumanne 1534 Singida
12 Kudra R. Burrah 383 Babati
13 Gloria S. Ndoronjey 429 Singida
14 Lutasingwa G. Kashaija S.L.P
10, Muleba15Amina A. Mtatondwa 2963 Dodoma
16 Venilla Mrema 1 Morogoro
17 Upendo E. Sanga 1249 Dodoma
18 Jackline James 201 Dodoma
19 Ruth P. Masha 1534 Singida
20 Evodia John Mngale 46 Singida
21 Erasto S. Lukosi 221 Mpwapwa
22 Angela Jerome 4114 Dodoma
23 Ashura M. Said 20 Misugwi
24 Emmanuel M. Inuka 468 Singida
25 Bethuel L. Nassary 397 Arusha
26 Safina N. Boay 199 Hanang
27 Wiliamson Saro 233 Singida
28 Primy Edward S.L.P 1006, Arusha
29 Maua Hamisi 94 Songea
30 Joshua Daudi shalua 1007 Mkalama
31 Agnes P. Mhagama 1007 Mkalama
32 Fakihi Saidi Dhamira 10 Mkuranga
33 Judith G. Samiki 1007 Mkalama
34 Siajabu Athuman 187 Mlandizi
35 Deonice A. Silvin 1125 Dodoma
36 Ally Kiswamba S.L.P 82, Mkuranga
37 Christina a. mgana 1007 Mkalama
38 Deodatus Kisinga 2278 Iringa
39 Onesmo S. Hinday 1029 Singida T
40 Maryline Onesmo 1125 Dodoma
41 Joel M. Sweddy 1489 Dodoma
42 Uyanjo Y. Ngura S.L.P 139, Serengeti
43 Samwel Hamidu 2016 Iringa T
44 Mabel Ipembe S.L.P 16610, Arusha
45 Esinath Nelson 1620 Morogoro
46 Joseph Mchele 1007 Mkalama –
47 Victoria C. John 1125 Dodoma
48 Edina G. Mtegetu 912 Dodoma
49 Tulasika E. Sovella 3094 Dodoma
50 Hussein R.ni Hanje S.L.P 70, Itigi
51 Erick R. Kaluka 263 Ifakara
52 Sharifa Issa 03 Kakonko
53 Ramadhani M. Ally 55 Dodoma
54 Sara Joseph Chiluka 1125, Dodoma.
55 Amani A. Mwandi 1007 Mkalama
56 Fatuma Hassan 6005 Tanga
57 Ashura M. Langia 1007 Mkalama
58 Yoeli Y. Mathayo 283 Mbulu.
59 Jospina Cleophance 1007 Mkalama
60 Bibiana K. Florence 1024 Bukoba
61 Helen Sued 1007 Mkalama
62 Amina Yahaya 158, Morogoro.
63 Abdallah R. Nanguja 1125 Dodoma
64 Frank Marwa Robert 1534 Singida
65 Agnes Y. Samson 60 Manyoni
66 Michael Kahola 236 Singida
67 Michael M. Wenger 90193 DSM
68 Ester Venance 57 Kongwa
69 Mjaribu labani 1007 Mkalama
70 Ahmed A. Maya S.L.P 60, Babati
71 Mjarifu Labani 1007 Mkalama
72 Raphael N.Mwendi 83 Manyoni
73 Ester B. Towera 5425 Morogoro
74 Uyanjo Y. Ngura S.L.P 139, Serengeti
75 Michael A. Mangasini S.L.P 54 Sikonge
76 Sharifa H. Jamalla 9120 Dsm